If you are looking for more information on the new season, you can find it on the Knockout City blog.

The Brawl Pass has 100 levels with unique rewards. Welcome to our Knockout City Trophy Guide. Street Rank won’t be the only way to level up from today. But as always, you can use these impediments to your advantage. In fact, there are Spotlight drones, security turrets that launch Cage Balls towards the player. The abandoned prison yard still has some of its online security systems.
#Knockout city street rank rewards trial
Find the Crew Horns (unique and wild series of horns that sound as your vehicle glides into view in the game introduction cutscenes). Knockout City changes up how its doing its free trial program so that even more players should have the chance to try it for free.

Events will award Holobux, XP or event tickets with which to buy skins and upgrades in the shop. In fact, you can find new modes and new twists. But in the meantime, you can level up and unlock exclusive items to show off in the field through the Brawl Pass. (with its own shiny rewards), tons of new cosmetics, new Playlists, and more. Your task then becomes to investigate Z3R0. How long is the free trial for Knockout City The 10-day free trial period for multiplayer dodgeball brawler, Knockout City, has come to an end.